Wednesday, March 6, 2024

Word Power #2 February Winners

 Hello Friends . . .

WOW!  Thanks everyone for getting our newest challenge blog off to a GREAT start!  You have all shared
some AMAZING creations that are exactly what we are looking for in this fun challenge idea!!

We are thrilled with the outpouring of entries!  Beautiful inspiration everyone ... we can't wait to see more so be sure to come back the 1st Thursday in March (Mar 7th) for another WP challenge.

It's now time to choose the winner's from our 2nd WP challenge ... WOW this is going to be difficult!!  Yikes!!

Ok ... here we go . . .

Top 3

#4 Inkami

#15 Karen Dunbrook

#36 Deepti Agarwal


Please grab your TOP 3 Winner badge from our sidebar and display it on your blog with pride.

NOW for this months Word Power TOP WINNER . . .

#33 Michele F


Please be sure to grab your Winner's badge from the sidebar and display it proudly on your blog.

Thanks again for playing along in our WORD POWER challenge!
Don't forget to come back on March 7th for our March Word Power challenge.

Darlene & Diane

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for picking my card in TOP 3 category. Congratulations to all the winners. Hugsxx Deepti
