Wednesday, October 2, 2024

Word Power #10

 Welcome to our tenth challenge at our NEW
adventure at Word Power
where your sentiment is the FOCUS of your card!!

We want to see the sentiment take center stage
where when the recipient opens their card
that is the first thing their eye is drawn to,
not just a tiny little one word!
If in doubt read our rules tab above and see our samples below!

We will have a new challenge posted on the FIRST THURSDAY of each MONTH.
That challenge will run until the LAST Thursday of the month with winner's announced on the Wednesday before the beginning of the new month's challenge.  

Let the fun begin . . .



Remember ...

You can share your project in as many other challenges as you wish.
You have until the last Thursday of the month (October 31st) to enter and the winner's
will be announced on November 6th.

We look forward to seeing what you create and thanks for your support!


You are invited to the Inlinkz link party!

Click here to enter


Tuesday, October 1, 2024

Word Power #9 Winners

Hello Friends . . .

WOW!  You have all shared some AMAZING creations that are exactly what we are looking for in this fun challenge idea!!

We are thrilled with the outpouring of entries!  Beautiful inspiration everyone ... we can't wait to see more so be sure to come back tomorrow for another WP challenge.

It's now time to choose the winner's  ... WOW this is going to be difficult!!  Yikes!!

Ok ... here we go . . .

Top 3

#14  Sue B

Story pin image

#18  Melanie H

#25  Michele F


Please grab your TOP 3 Winner badge from our sidebar and display it on your blog with pride.

NOW for this months Word Power TOP WINNER . . .

#7  Deborah Wheeler


Please be sure to grab your Winner's badge from the sidebar and display it proudly on your blog.

Thanks again for playing along in our WORD POWER challenge!
Don't forget to come back on tomorrow for our next Word Power challenge.

Darlene & Diane